yes, i haven't update in a few days, but weekends are always super-busy for me. i also didn't think i'd have time to update today, but then i realized that it was may 31st, and this would be my last entry in one of my favourite months of the year. may is just such a beautiful month; the weather isn't as hot as it is in the summer, its gorgeous out, there are no exams to worry about (in high school anyway)! june is another one of my favourites (i'm a june baby! :P), but school gets really stressful in june, and for me stress at school=stress everywhere else :( ! i don't know if i will have a chance to update tomorrow since my girl friends and i are having a movie night, so i thought i'd make today's entry a little bit longer!

today i thought i'd talk about youtube. for me youtube is the place i go to when i am really bored & am too tired or lazy to get up and do stuff outside my house.
the first place i check for new videos is my subscription box.
right now, i am subscribed to about 20 youtube channels however i do not watch all of the videos that the user posts, just the ones i am interested in. normally there are more than just two videos posted in my subscription, but as you may have guessed, i already watched some vids today! :)
later if i am still bored after watching my subscriptions i check out the 'videos being watched now' and watch some videos there too.
after that, if i really have nothing to do i check out some of my favourite youtubers' channels and watch their old videos! :) here are the screen shots of some of my favourite youtubers.
Michael Buckey's WHAT THE BUCK SHOW
JUICYSTAR07's beauty channel ! :)
the hilarious kassem g
ijustine !
well, that's it. of course there are many other youtubers i watch like shaycarl, tyleroakley & communitychannel, but the ones posted above are the ones i thought i'd post pictures of :)
today's quote,
there isn't one. lol, i'm too lazy to look for one + i still have to study for a test i have tomorrow.
i hope everyone has enjoyed today's post & have a wonderful evening.