i know that yesterday i said i'd write a blog about my feelings going into the lost series finale, but i was at a birthday picnic all day. so instead i am going to write about my thoughts about the finale.

to start things off i want to say that prior to the finale i for sure thought it was going to be a dissapointment. i am happy to say that i was wrong. what i think made it so good is the fact that the entire 105.5 minutes of it were focused on the characters - and not the boring mythological nonsense about the island. i read a lot of people call last night's episode a love letter to itself, and it sure felt like it. not only did they (the producers) reunite all of the adored couples (charlie/claire, sayid/shannon, sawyer/juliette, hugo/libby, jack/kate, sun/jin & penny/desmond) in the 'purgatory' universe, but they brought back some of the show's themes that many learned to love during those earlier seasons.
now, i don't want to talk about this for too long (for my non-lost watching friends), but i do want to make a comment about the last 10 or so minutes of the show. i hear many fans are very dissapointed with it and are mad that a lot of the questions were left unanswered. i on the other hand (have been a fan of the show since i was 11) think it couldn't have been done more brilliantly. just like damon lindeloff and carlton cuse promised - the final scenes focused on the characters coming together & 'moving on'. i thought that getting all of the original castaways in the same place in 'purgatory' was a great idea - it really gave us viewers a sense that the plane crash really was important to these people & their lives. something else i want to comment on: i think it was absolutely heart wrenching in the very final scene - right when jack is about to die on the ground - vincent running to and lying next to jack. jack then sees the gang's plane fly by in the sky, knowing that his sacrifice wasn't for nothing. we get then a shot of his eye then closing (mirrored to the series premiere starting with his eye opening)and our screens go to pitch black background with LOST spelled out in white for one last time.
p.s. i wanted to end with a lost inspired quote - however there are so many of them, its simply impossible to chose. so i'm just going to leave it up to your imagination. that's right - you just got soprano'd (kind of). :P