i don't imagine there are many readers out there right now since the only person i've told about this blog is my dad. the reason why i haven't posted a link to this anywhere and haven't told anyone i know to check it out is because i'm still working on the layout, and i want to post a few interesting entries... starting with this one. today i will be talking about one of my new favourite shows Glee ! I first started watching the show around this time last year, and ever since then i've been absolutely obsessed with it. from the great music, to the amazing cast, to the hilarious sue sylvester jokes, glee never fails to entertain. today i though i'd try something different - a list. the other day i was thinking about how great the chemistry between certain actors is on the show, so i'm making a list of my favourite pairings! so here it is (including pictures!).

1. sue sylvester & will schuester
2. quinn fabray & noah puckerman
3. santana lopez & brittany (no last name)
4. rachel berry & finn hudson
5. tina cohen-chang & artie abrams
now, there is no particular order in which i like these pairing since the reasons i like each one are very different. sue & will's rivalry is never tiring to watch, quinn & puck's lack of a relationship is still sweet, santana & brittany's scenes are just plain out hilarious, rachel & finn's feelings for eachother are portrayed brilliantly by the actors and tina & artie's relationship is just the cutest and most adorable ever.
well, there ya have it. i hope this wasn't that boring to read, and if it was... this is only my second (technically third, but i don't count the blog entry i posted last july) blog entry, and i'm still learning.
and finally, time for the daily quote (its inspired by glee today)! :)
We're dealing with children, they need to be terrified, it's like mothers milk to them - without it their bones won't grow properly. - Sue Sylvester